Tuesday, March 30, 2010

  1. Home Depot Kids Workshop - The huge hardware conglomerate is a great refuge for Dads everywhere, but now they offer kids workshops one Saturday per month (check your local Home Depot for time and location). At the workshop kids learn how to build birdhouses, bat houses, stock car racers, airplanes, wooden flowerpot holders and more. It's a great Saturday morning activity where your kids can learn the skills necessary to fix your roof when you get too old to climb up there.
  2. Tin can and string telephone - You don't necessarily need tin cans for this project. Two plastic or styrofoam cups and some twine will do.

  1. Using a tack or the end of a pin, punch a hole into the center of the bottom of each cup.
  2. Cut a piece of light string 25 feet or longer.
  3. Feed one end of the string through the hole of one of the cups
  4. Tie a large knot on the string so it doesn't fall back through the hole.
  5. Feed the other end of the string through the other cup and tie a knot like you did for the first cup.
  6. Now give the cup to your child and walk away from each other until the string is tight.
  7. Now you can whisper back and forth into your child's new telephone.

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